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Comics and Verbal/Visual Studies Discussion Lists

Besides our comix scholars list-serve, there are dozens of comics-related discussion lists, covering everything from individual cartoonists, books, or characters to wide-ranging topics like alternative comics, European comics, and more. Here are some links to a few, select lists. If a list has an official page, there will be a link to it; if not, subscription information will appear. Suggestions and corrections are encouraged.

Cómics en Argentina. Comic-AR es una lista de discusión abierta y no moderada para los amantes del Cómic (pensada inicialmente para Argentina, pero finalmente abierta a toda persona hispanoparlante) que deseen compartir sus conocimientos y/o experiencias sobre el arte con otros, publicar enlaces hacia sitios web que sean de particular interés para el resto de los miembros de la lista, y para ayudar al resto en la forma en que podamos.
Discussing classic comic strips. To subscribe, e-mail with one line of text: SUBSCRIBE COMIC-STRIP-CLASSICS
For discussion of alternative comics from around the world. To subscribe, e-mail MAJORDOMO@INDRA.COM with the message SUBSCRIBE COMIX or SUBSCRIBE COMIX-DIGEST.
Graphic Novels in Education is a new group formed to promote the use of graphic novels and comic art in educational environments from PreK-College. This is a “sister-list” to GNLIB-L: Graphic Novels in Libraries.
For librarians to share reviews and resources to better develop their collections of graphic/comic novels. Focus is given to disussion and submission of reviews. To subscribe to GNLIB-L, send the email to: You will receive a reply with any further instructions.
General and technical lists connected to the Grand Comic-Book database project.
For people who produce comics professionally.
For discussion of international comics.
Discussing Jack Kirby.
PlatinumAgeComics–For the serious study of comic strips & books and their creators published before the 1930s going back into the 1700s.
For discussion of gay/lesbian comics and related issues. To subscribe, e-mail with the message SUBSCRIBE QUEERCOMIX or SUBSCRIBE QUEERCOMIX-DIGEST
Visual Communications Discussion.
For discussion of comics on the internet. To subscribe, e-mail with the message SUBSCRIBE WEB-COMIX
Disney Comics Mailing List
Discussion of Disney Comics.